
Calibration Laboratory

MaxiTrack Sensors offers a comprehensive Calibration scope, employing fundamental measurement methods and processes while accounting for error verification and propagation.
Our calibration laboratory conducts tests for Temperature and Relative Humidity.
The tests are carried out in climate chambers and stable baths, ensuring uniform control of the measured quantities.

We provide on-site calibration services (In Loco), allowing our technicians to perform the entire calibration process without requiring the transportation of instruments or incurring shipping costs.

Our high-precision standards undergo Accredited Calibration in compliance with ISO/IEC 17025 and ISO 9001:2015.

NIST Accreditation Seal

Serviço de calibração de termômetros analógicos e digitais com sensor termo resistivo na faixa de -50 +400 °C acreditado pelo Inmetro com base na norma NBR ISO /IEC 17025, de acordo com diretrizes estabelecidas pela International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) e nos códigos de BPL da Organization for Econonic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

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